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Going Back To Madrid, Madrid!


Madrid Taco Lovers, it seems that our relationship has been, like any relationship, ripe with problems.  We have weathered stormy um…weather…and a few mechanicals to finally get to where we are today. We have the stupid van purring like a kitten and shifting into all kinds of proper gears, we have some amazing weather, and YES RADRID, YOU WILL HAVE TACOPOCALYPSE THURSDAY AT THE FLAT TIRE LOUNGE THIS WEEK.  It’s been a long time coming (13 days to be exact) and we have finally gotten it together enough to bring you food. Good news for everyone.

this was going to be where I put a funny picture.

I said last week that I would bring something special for all of you Rad Dudes and Chicks in Madrid, and that thing is the new fish taco.

Menu For Thursday, 5/17

  • The Fish Taco. Seasoned Tilapia topped with Adobo Crema and Spicy Slaw. It’s been a huge hit, big enough to bring it as a treat to you all.

  • Braised Pork. It’s the classic and it just keeps getting better.

  • Wasabi Brisket. Ginger Braised Brisket topped with Wasabi Cream and Slaw. Yum.

  • Poblano Potato. Cumin roasted potatoes with onions and Poblano Peppers topped with Adobo Crema and Spicy Slaw

  • I will also bring up Vegan Chorizo, but will do it by request and to order only. This keeps it FREEEEEEESH, if you know what I am sayin.

We will have all of that other stuff too. The Salsas, the Veggies, and some other things. We may be trying out new tortillas from our possible new supplier tomorrow night also, and we welcome your feedback.  It’s time to have our torts made by an outside maker, but to our specifications.  With the upcoming new place opening soon, it’s just a little too crazy to try to make that many tortillas…but I will stop whining.

I look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow night at the Flat Tire Lounge from 3pm til 10pm, and feel free to bring me Scotcheroos. I want that to be a tradition. lol.

Taco Pastorius.

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