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Congratulations! It’s Your Menu!

by locallygrown on 07/08/2011

Battery power is mighty low on the mobile device, so this is going to be a concise and less entertaining menu post.  Plus, the combination of the Holiday weekend and the 80/35 Music Festival has left the entire staff of Tacopocalypse with dangerously low seratonin levels.  Not a lot of humor going on around here.  Wait, yes there is….

There were some huge plans for tomorrow’s menu, but we decided that you, the TacoLiker, would be happier with at least on less choice this week.  Simplicity is Happiness, Si?

DTFM Menu for 7/9/2011

  • Braised Pork!  Yeah!
  • Vegan Chorizo!  For all of you ten Veg Heads that didn’t quite make the cut off for the Vegan Chorizo last week, we made a huge batch for this weekend.  You will not be turned away (or be forced to eat slaw tacos as one man did)
  • Bacon Chorizo!  we tried something a little different this time and made a rougher chop version.  It seems that many Likers were a little confused as to what meat was in the bacon chorizo, so we made it look a little more “Bacony”
  • Another asian thing!  We don’t even know what it is yet!
  • the BREAKFAST THING ALSO RETURNS.  WE THINK THAT…WAIT… damn caps lock…we think that this “thing” is here to stay.

That is it for this weekend, along with the usual salsas and the Slaw is the Law slaw.

Next week the menu will be expanded to SEVEN items to make up for this weeks’ truncated offerings.

From → Farmers Market

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One Comment
  1. InthewaterDSM permalink

    Gonna be there bright and early to have tacos and drinks somewhere, then take a nap so we can come back in a few hours and pour at Brewfest.

    Yum, can’t wait.

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