Tacopocalypse/Cumming Tap Makes The List!

The Des Moines Register recently released their list “A Des Moines love affair: 50 things we love,” a compilation of things…you guessed it…they love in Des Moines.  I see that we share a number of the same loves, and down the list just ten spots at um…#10…

10. Group bike rides to the Cumming Tap for Tacopacolypse tacos.

Sweet.  Count us in.

Taco Pastorius


Hard Hats, High Heels And…uh…TACOS!

Our Taco Chef was caught at the Des Moines Downtown Farmers’ Market a few tacoments back by none other than the esteemed Katie Ketelsen of HHHH (Hard Hats, High Heels) and Garden Grunt fame.  We talked for a bit, then Katie forced one of her crew to eat a Tacopocalypse Pork Tongue Taco.  Click the obnoxiously large link below to view the footage.

LINK To Video

Thanks to Katie and her crew for stopping by our spot and giving us a shout out!

Tacos Are Important


Des Moines Has Voted: We’re #2! We’re #2!

Our Tacos are taking over Des Moines

I just received unconfirmed word from Twitter that the results of the DSM Metromix Ten Best Tacos Reader Voted On Contest Thing are finally in.  We here at the T’lypse have been not-so-closely monitoring the contest as it has unfolded and are all (one of us) shocked at the final outcome.  Tacopocalypse, in it’s less-than-year-old infancy has managed to secure a #2 spot right behind Des Moines “taco” staples Tasty Tacos.  As the little Tasty Taco mascot guy says on their packaging, “Nada es Imposible,’ and lil homeboy couldn’t be more correct.  What started as some food that was made for some guys at the end of a gravel bike ride is now currently, according to the Greater Des Moines Voting Public, the #2 taco in town.  Many have commented that we are in fact the number one in their mouths, stomachs, and hearts…we believe them.  I am fairly certain the persons that make up the 40% of the votes received by TT have3 never tasted one of our tacos.  But when it comes down to the real nitty gritty…

Des Moines voted Tacopocalypse the Number Two Taco in umm uh… Des Moines.

The Truth. (awesome image credit: @slakingfool)

Thank you, Taco Likers.  You are the reason we do what we do, and you clearly have an appreciation for what it is that we are doing for you.

One (Taco) Love,


Juice Magazine/Metromix Speaks On Tacopocalypse

Ok, we here at the Tacopocalypse compound have been meaning to do a lot of things, one of them being the hunting, gathering, and reposting of some of the (so far) kind words from those who write words reflecting opinions regarding food and food stuffs.  This first addition to our “Press” page is a wonderful piece written by Tim Paluch, editor of Juice Magazine here in Des Moines.  It goes a little something like this, HIT IT!


Someone hand Sam Auen a medal. No, a crown forged from ancient gold. No, a small island nation. The man behind Tacopocalypse surely must have been visited by a taco diety, who laid upon Sam his God-like hands and whispered into his ear a mission: “Bacon. Chorizo. Go forth, my son.”

Traditionalists be damned. Auen’s star taco mixes smoky and salty bits of bacon with ground chorizo, then is topped with a fresh, crunchy slaw that nails the texture. Add a spoonful of onion, a few cilantro leaves and maybe a bit of sauce (two options were both tame in terms of heat) to the handmade tortilla, and you’re set. It’s like a tiny baseball glove filled with Niman Ranch magic, served by a guy in bicycle gear sporting a beard so epic, Tom Hanks’ character in “Cast Away” would slink away into a cave to hide his shame. — Tim Paluch

Here is a link to the original article at Metromix Des Moines, which is also accompanied by a “what’s your favorite taco poll.”  I suggest you vote for us.